Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Il nostro padre celeste - Week 57

Hello everyone.

This week was just your typical week as a missionary.
Working hard and helping people come closer to Christ. This week went
a little slow with some of our investigators but we keep moving

Tangod is doing great, I've never taught anyone who has had so many
deep spiritual questions and desire. He really wants to know more
about our Heavenly Father. We had a great lesson with him and he said
he was filled with the spirit in church. He wants to continue his
progression so he can be baptized, and he keeps giving us perfect
questions for us to help him.

Christian is doing well. We taught him about the Ten Commandments and
we really focused on helping him feel the blessings of following God's
teachings. We can't receive blessings from God without doing something
to receive it. I use to think God blesses people just because he can,
but I realized that God is a just God, and in order to bless his
children he gives us promised blessings through commandments. As we
follow his commandments it enables him to bless us. Without this he
would not be able to be a fair/just God at the same time as a loving

Yaw is doing well. We had a lesson on the restoration of the
priesthood. The restored priesthood authority gives us the enabling
power to perform sacred ordinances such as baptism. We taught him that
it isn't wrong that he had been baptized in a church. We taught him
that through the restored priesthood, he is able to receive the gift
of the Holy Ghost, and many blessings that can only be giving through
His(God's) priesthood. He understood it and said he would pray to know
if it is true.

I did a two day exchange in Varese this week and it was a little hard.
There are not many investigators in the city at the moment, so we knew
we were going to be looking for new people to teach. For hours and
hours we stopped people, preaching simple truths, but we're not
getting anyone who was interested. We finished the first day with no
one new that we could meet in the future. We taught a lot of people,
but ended without anyone wanting to know more. We thought maybe the
next day would go better. It ended up the same way. After leaving for
my city I felt like I didn't do enough to help the other elders get
new investigators, but as I was stopping people in my city I ended up
finding a couple of people who were interested in our message but
lived in Varese. I was able to give the other elders their numbers but
when they called the people were no longer interested. I felt like I
had failed. Then, as I was praying before bed that night, I felt a
revelation in my heart. I felt God testifying to me that I did all
that I needed to do. That I taught his children and tried my best to
help people know of him. Sometimes we only think we are doing well if
there are numbers to back up our efforts, but I realized it is the
effort behind our work that lets us know if we are succeeding. No, I
didn't find anyone new, but God didn't ask me to find them new people,
he asked me to bring his word to his children in Italy. And if I'm
doing that them I am successful. Some people will listen, some won't,
but the effort in our work makes all the difference.

I just want to leave with a thought on our Heavenly Father. He truly
knows us. Just as he knew my heart and intentions on my exchange, He
truly knows what we need to hear, do, or see. He is the master of all
things. Everything of God invites and enticiths to do good. He is what
we are trying to become. That is why we are here. And He is always
waiting to lend us a hand. He only gives us commandments and teachings
to bring us back to him. He loves us more than we can ever imagine,
and is waiting for us with open arms.

I know this gospel is true. The gospel has been restored on the earth,
and its teachings are meant for us, not yesterday, or the future, but
for right now. I know we can find true happiness through the teachings
of Jesus Christ. He lives.

Have a great week!
Anziano Chase

Perché egli vive🇮🇹🇮🇹🇺🇸🇺🇸

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