Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Il solitudine - Week 89

Hey everyone, this week has been interesting to say the least. A new companion, a talent show, being sick, but still needing to work. It's been crazy

So my new companion, Anziano S., showed up. It was a little strange at the beginning because at first I felt like we were just doing another exchange, like we always did in Busto Arsizio, and then we realized we were actually companions now. So that was pretty interesting. We both know each other super well, so it made the transition easier.

Well to start the weekend off, we had a branch activity. We had a talent show, and tons of people showed up. There were almost 30-40 non members there, and it was a blast. Having a reputation for putting on a show when I was with AnzianoB., the branch insisted that Anziano S. and I do a talent. The only problem was that we had absolutely no time to prepare and scarcely any ideas to choose from. About five minutes before our talent, we decided to sing a funny Italian song called "il solitudine". It is a relatively high pitched song, and with the lyrics the branch couldn't help but laugh and applaud. Needless to say, it went pretty dang well.

After that the sickness came like a storm. I would say in total I have had about 10 hours of sleep in 3 days and have had to buy new big packs of tissues every day just so I could somewhat survive the day. I would have preferred to sleep and fight this sickness away, but I had a lot appointments already set up, and decided it was better to see these people. Even today I don't feel that good, but I'm still functioning.

P. is doing well, and has made good bonds with the members. One lady was singing in the talent show and as she got nervous he started to sing along with her for a little bit of support.

E. is doing great as well. She has been super busy with work, but told us that she is really appreciative of the kindness of the branch and that willingness for us to freely answer all her questions.

D. is doing well. He has been sick too, but we were able to talk a little more this time because he couldn't work as long. We were able to focus on the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion.

Today we went to Venezia because after we have an exchange with the zone leaders. So it was perfect for us to go because we didn't have to worry about taking a train back in the middle of the afternoon. It was nice, makes me miss the Pacific Ocean, but it was neat. We also got our feet eaten by little fishies!


I just want to touch a little more on the Holy Ghost before I finish. There was a quote I really liked that explains the importance of the Holy Ghost by Joseph Fielding Smith. “When a man has the manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased. It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force. A manifestation of an angel, or even of the Son of God himself, would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase". The truth in this sank deep with me. Sometimes we feel things that we can't explain. Often we see things and forget them weeks later. But it is much harder to forget the things we feel. The feeling of holding your first born child, the feeling of when you first received a testimony of something. It sticks.

I know this church is true, I know it blesses lives. I know that God is watching over us, waiting to help us. I know that prayer is the link to these blessings, and that we can receive answers to our questions! Have a great week everyone!

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