Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Vicenza - Week 14

First off next week we have P-Day on Thursday due to a mission conference being on Wednesday next week.

We had a really good week here in Vicenza. We have been visiting a lot of part member families and less actives. There is a Peruvian Lady named Charo we visit a lot.  She served a mission, but married a non-member and doesn’t go to church. But the thing is she still has a huge testimony of the gospel. We visit her a lot and started to befriend her husband, who ended up giving us a Russian beaver skin hat that is worn in the snow. Pretty dang cool!

It has been rainy or wet every day this week. Not my favorite weather but it will do. The river got really high one day, and it got a lot of mud and stuff in it because of the rain. 
We have also been teaching a lot of people English, and they are just a good group of people. We have so much fun teaching them English, and they help me with my Italian as well!

We had a good miracle with a part member family on Monday. I had been praying about a specific family for quite a while, but I didn’t know why. The wife was a recent inactive convert, who is divorced with 3 children. We were able to see her and we spent a majority of the time teaching her oldest daughter, Aurora, who is 14. She has such a huge testimony, and asked us if she could be baptized. We were so excited and are starting to teach her and prep her for baptism now. It really helped boost our efforts in teaching less actives and part member families; because there are so many people we can help without even recognizing it.

Anyways it was a really good week and here are some pictures of the week that include my English class, my Russian hat, the river, and a small city called Marostica, which I thought had a pretty cool castle

Anziano Chase

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