Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Vicenza - Week 16

Bridge built by Paladio, the creator of Vicenza

Hey everyone!

Hope you all had a great week. This week seemed really short, due to us having our P-day back to normal now. Nevertheless, it was still a pretty eventful week. We started this week by deciding to focus on gratitude, because Thanksgiving is this week in America. We would write down just a few things we were grateful for each day, and would write down different types of gratitude too, such as; why we are grateful for Italy, our companion, our ward, our investigators, random, etc.. And then we decided to go off of what President Utchdorf said in a Conference a few days back about being grateful in our circumstances and FOR our circumstances, So each day we would write down why we were grateful for a circumstance we were in and also why we were grateful for a circumstance we went through. It brought a whole new change to our thought process and helped be a lot more happy throughout our week.

We had a lot of investigators show up to church on Sunday, the most I have ever seen, so we are hoping to get some good things accomplished this week with them. We are continuously blessed by the members here in Italy. We went out with Ringo and an investigator again this week, but instead of going to all you can eat BBQ, we went to all you can eat sushi. I have to workout twice as hard right now to not gain too much weight, but i have gotten so many food blessings that it is pretty dang hard haha.
We took a bike ride to go do a passby of a potential investigator and while we were riding we decided to stop by lago di Fimon. We were a little dissapointed that we didnt get a real good view of the lake, but it was still nice to be able to go look at the natural landmarks in Italy. You can never go wrong with a good long bike ride around Italy. We also saw a huge pork for sale at the store. It was just a little bit out of our price range though as missionaries.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, and try to look at the hard times you may have had, or are having, and look for ways to be grateful about it. The Lord never gives us a trial that we cannot handle, which should also give us a greater reason to be grateful for the growth we receive from it.

Anziano Chase

This is a really nice family in the Vicenza Ward. The Matteazzi Family. 

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