Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Vicenza - Week 23

Hello my good friends!! (That was way too formal and strange)

This week was definitely a better week. It has been just so spiritually uplifting. This week we found 4 new investigators!! We have been working with a lot of families and there is a new private, Luke, who is working on the base. We invited him to hear the gospel and he was all up for it. We are teaching him again today and we just hope that he keeps his enthusiasm up, because he said ever since he started talking with us, he has been much happier with life and himself. On Sunday, we did a pass by with an African member named Anes, to stop by a lady named Patricia. We taught her the Restoration, and the spirit literally overtook the room. I had a hard time opening my mouth because I just wanted to sit there and take it all in!

On Monday we didn’t find anyone, but what we did find, was a smoking cool Ferrari just parked outside our apartment. I know I am in Italy, but every time I see one, it still gives me the same wow factor. So naturally I took a picture with it.

Yesterday, I gained a huge testimony of fasting again. We decided to start a fast to improve the work of investigators. I started with a prayer and just asked if we could get our message across to everyone we spoke to the next day. We started off the morning doing some park finding. The first person we spoke to listened right up and accepted our invitation to meet again. We were both shocked because the finding percentage of people who say yes to us is soo low. The next person we speak to, surprisingly says YES too! It happened like that 4 times!!! We were soo blessed. We also were able to meet with Josephine and teach her about Esther and the courage that she had to face her fears, and she started tearing up with joy. I know the Lord blessed us in our fast, and that we had the faith to receive these miracles in our lives

I know that as we go throughout our lives, if we use the opportunities the Lord has given us to receive blessings, then he will thereafter pour them out to us!

One last message: I was reading about families and this little thought popped up. Heaven is a continuation of the ideal home. If we set our principles on the foundations of the gospel, then we will see all the blessings that come from God, and it will be as if we never even left home. I know that we can have our own little piece of heaven if we set our standards in our homes and that we can help others by being that example!

Have a fantastic week everyone and ci vediamo il prossimo settimana!

Anziano Chase

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