Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Vicenza - Week 24

Hey Everyone,

Transfers calls were this week and I am...... staying in Vicenza for my 4th transfer. Doing 6 months in an area is certainly long, but the relationships with investigators and members I wouldn’t change for the world. This week we were especially blessed in finding new investigators. I can testify of the power of Family Night activities with non-members because in this last week we have met two great couples who agreed to hear our message. Did I also mention that both these couples came from the same members?? All these members did was invite us over to Family Home Evening to participate in their lesson. They did not ask us to try and meet with them, but they did want us there in case they asked questions. They did not want to push their friends, and in return the friends started asking the questions without being talked to. It was great!! We hope that we can get something really going with these couples and I know the Lord has already touched their lives.

We started working with an ex investigator named Daniele this week. We were looking through the notes other missionaries had written about him and he seemed to be a very receptive person. We gave him a call and he gladly invited us over. He is a nice man of the age of 47, who just loves to talk with missionaries. We taught the Restoration to him and his friend Mario. Both of them agreed that the principles taught in our church were great for society. We have another appointment with them this upcoming Saturday and we hope that they will continue to have the desire to follow the path towards baptism.
We also have been working with a Nigerian named Josephine. I think I’ve mentioned her before, but we made a big step with her this week. She believes in everything we teach, and has been taught all the lessons. Her only setback is not wanting to go against her husband’s wishes. She has not talked to him about wanting to be baptized but we set a baptismal date with her this week and are going to pray that she might have the courage to speak with her husband, that his heart will be open to her being baptized. We are praying fervently for her and hope she exercises her faith this week
I was reading a talk this week by Joseph B Wirthlin on lessons he learned as a boy. I really liked a section where he talks about taking his eye off the football for a split second. He talks about how if we allow ourselves to get distracted from the object or goal we are seeking, there is a much higher chance of us dropping the ball and falling short of the potential we have. In today's society it is very easy to get distracted and take our eye off the ball, but we need to stand firm and be strong in our concentration towards the eternal plan of redemption.
I know the Lord has a plan for me here in the city of Vicenza.  I know that I am a servant of the Almighty. I know that the Libro di Mormon is true and that we all can have that same confirmation through humble and sincere prayer. I know that I can work mighty miracles through faith, and that we all can be missionaries of Christ. I hope everyone can take the time to invite a friend over for a family activity and that you take the time to share a little message, if they don’t seem interested, there is no need to throw the missionaries at them, but the Lord will bless all that share what they believe to be true with others. I know this gospel is true!!

Anziano Chase

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