So exciting news. P. has made the decision to be baptized! We are working towards the day he chose, and are just working to make sure that everything will go through. It is still a little ways away but the important thing is that he chose to take this step.
D. is doing well. We got on a deeper level with him and we think we have finally figured out what some of his doubts are. Now we just need to find a way to help him understand this for himself.
We had a great discussion with P. and E. about the plan of salvation. Anziano B. and I were talking with them and the subject of heaven was brought up. We were able to bear our testimonies on the principle of the resurrection and how all of us will see our loved ones again. This then helped us tie in the other points of the plan of salvation, and P. was in agreement with it all. We left her with some stuff to read and will be following up with them this week.
Monday and Tuesday we went to Mestre again to do an exchange with the Capi Zona. I was with Anziano S., who I got to know a little bit when I was in Busto Arsizio. We met some great people, and I actually met a girl from San Diego, who was staying in Mestre for a good amount of time. She thought it was cool that I was from Temecula and said we could come back and talk (but I forgot to tell her I actually serve in Gorizia....) so I'm hoping she still will meet with the other missionaries.
Today we hiked in Gorizia to a mountain that borders with Slovenia. We went to the top of the cliff and had a beautiful 360* view. It was super windy, but there were many trenches and caves from world war 1. It was awesome!
Caves from WW1
Trenches from WW1
This half is Nova Gorica, Slovenia
This half is Gorizia, Italia
This week I spent a good deal going back and rereading notes I had taken down during studies. I realized that often times we study things, we do it once and never study it again. But we neglect their value. When we go back we can learn more than we did the first time. I felt like I was learning so much more, even though I had read some of the notes/scriptures at least 5 times. I truly believe that the scriptures, words of the prophets, and direction of our Heavenly Father, are to be of constant help, giving us something new to learn daily.
Have a great week everyone, and don't forget that because Christ rose the third day, all of us will return to our father in heaven. #alleliua
A stingray in Italia?

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