him back from making the step forward in the gospel, but his testimony really is getting stronger.
P. had a little nasty accident playing soccer, and now is in a cast because he broke his collarbone. They wrapped his arm into his chest and when he walks around with his jacket he looks funny because you can only see one arm. But due to this, he is more free on Sunday and was able to come to church with us. The branch was great and focused a lot of the lessons on his questions and needs. He felt very welcomed and content.
P. is doing ok. She too is having medical problems and she works too hard. We always tell her she needs to rest, and she knows it. But we set a day to go to their home where she can be relaxed and will have a lesson with them. Her son E. has been very open to us and said he will be there too when we pass by.
G. is being G. Always happy to see us, and always ready for a good conversation. J. and A., his grandchildren, convinced him to have a lunch with us this upcoming Saturday which gives us the perfect opportunity to teach them all together. We are excited that they are so excited to learn and be with us.
We met two new people this week, A. and M. They are friends of P. We were casually talking with them trying to get to know them and M. says right off the bat, "teach me about Jesus Christ". We were able to have a good lesson with them and were invited to come back and teach them.
Today we decided to go to Venezia. I know, I know, Venezia. Every tourist's must visit site. It was a nice day so I can't complain. We saw a couple of my old members from Vicenza and it was nice to walk around. It was fun to walk up to Americans and speak English to them. I got in a little debate with a lady that sad Bakersfield was better than Temecula. But it was a nice day.

I've been pondering a lot about gratitude lately and it has been big for me. I realized that it rained 20 of the 29 days in February. I remember everyday just looking to see if there would be more rain, and then when there was I would be upset. But then towards the end I started thinking something. I was seeking out the rain. I was seeking out the thing that I didn't like. I had been neglecting the nice sunny days I did have in the month. We have sooo many beautiful days during the year. Way more than ugly days. If we search for the bad days, we will never be able to enjoy the good days that are usually already in front of us. "Stop seeking out the storm and enjoy more fully the sunlight" God blesses us daily. When we look for trials, we forget how I immensely blessed we are. I know I have so much more to be grateful for, and that I need to recognize that, and search for that. It is truly in front of all of us. I am grateful to be out here as a missionary. Not many people have this opportunity to come to Italy and teach people about God and Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the lessons I've learned and the good I am able to give. I know this gospel blesses us.
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